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Les Toques Blanches Lyonnaises

The British Culinary Federation and Les Toques Blanches Lyonnaises have signed a Protocole d’Entente (formal agreement) to promote understanding and co-operation between the two chefs’ associations.


The formal twinning links of the City of Birmingham and the City of Lyon provided the basis for a practical working relationship. The agreement is signed by both parties every four years in the Town Halls of Lyon or Birmingham in the presence of the Lord Mayor.


The objectives are:

  • The exchange of ideas, thoughts and recipes, offer opinions on training and business procedures, and associations’ policies.

  • Interchange of individual chefs to spend short periods visiting Birmingham or Lyon to gain an understanding of each others’ working practices.

  • Exchange of young chefs for short periods (Stages) to experience each others’ culinary techniques.​


Much has been achieved by the two organisations since the first signing in the City of Lyon on 17th June 1992.

This unique twinning offers any BCF chef member the opportunity of a working placement within a Michelin starred restaurant in Lyon.


For further information, please contact


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